Matthew Pasini

3 giu 20202 min

June 3, 2005: the start of the endless trip.

fifteen years ago we left our home.

We had a few hunches, but in our hearts, we thought that things would work out, that a little justice would intervene in our favor, and that we would return after a few months: in fact, we had left some money for some mortgage payments on the bank account.

But justice never came and we didn't return. We lost everything, even the small house.

The summer of 2005 we spent it by train.

Then several months in a tent without money on the shores of Lake Iseo, until December 23, 2005. Then in Sale Marasino and then we flew to Umbria.

But those who had indirectly stolen everything from us never left us in peace and continued to work underneath to make us lose everything, including new jobs.

And no one ever punished my enemy, indeed many people even of the police forces became complicit, complicating a situation that became more and more serious and more complex day by day.

From 2010 to 2014 "thanks" to the authorities we lived as homeless people and every day we thought we were dying, like that time in January with zero degrees and with a temperature of 38 ° I was looking for help in the hospital to spend the night in the heat: help refused.

Everyone had lined up, and to convince others the word spread that we liked to live like this because we had a messy life, omitting the truth.

For years we continued to write on the internet to testify, also for that sense of responsibility we had towards other fellow citizens or for the children.

As long as people give credit to thieves and liars, there can be no better world.

I guess there are people like me, some survivors ... but I'm not so sure. Maybe few.

